Arrigucci of Sweden is the only self-reliant, totally private Hub for Productization in Scandinavia.
It supports start ups, scale ups and established firms to bring innovation to the market, create its first stream of liquidity and establish a ROI. Starting from the offer and touching all sides of the business. This is a personal accelerator, taking care of partners’ interests till they can drive them again on their own. We keep the owner of the idea in the driving seat of their own progress.
Give your ideas and products a fair chance to fully perform … Read More
The World is full of potentially valid new ideas, concepts and actual products. Creativity has no limits.
What is often missing is the ability to bring them to the market, to make them something that can be sold.
To improvise yourself in all the tasks and roles needed may take years and, frankly, a lot of of money. To ask different consultants for support in different tasks is equally costly and you will end up far away from your products, focused into coordinating all these different efforts.
You can now access Productization, everything that is needed to make an idea, a concept or products into something that can be sold: turn-key, all under the same roof. No-nonsense approach guaranteed.